
Manufacturing jobs increase by 6,100 in May: report

Maryam Farag   

MRO Business Operations Economy Industry Manufacturing Government Economy government jobs maintenance manufacturer manufacturing

Employment in Canada increased by 101,600 jobs, including 6,100 jobs in manufacturing, from April to May according to the May ADP Canada National Employment Report.

May 2021 report highlights

– Goods Producing:

  • Manufacturing     6,100
  • Construction     22,900
  • Natural Resources and Mining     -3,300

– Service Providing:

  • Trade/Transportation and Utilities     -5,500
  • Information     -3,400
  • Finance/Real Estate     1,800
  • Professional/Business Services     33,500
    – Professional/Technical     9,900
    – Management of Companies     600
    – Administrative and Support     23,000
  • Education & Health Care     34,400
    – Educational Services     23,400
    – Health Care     11,000
  • Leisure and Hospitality     22,100
  • Other Services2     -6,900

“May reported an increase in jobs, marking four straight months of job growth,” said Nela Richardson, Chief Economist, ADP. “Professional and business services; construction; and leisure and hospitality indicated strong employment gains; while trade, transportation and utilities; information and natural resources and mining saw layoffs.”



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